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P.A.L. Loves Veterinarians

We can help your clinic too!

Pet Assistance by Lory can help

your hospital or clinic in so many ways.

By working with your doctors, P.A.L. helps take the hospital home to clients, supporting doctor/patient relationships, increasing compliance and giving doctors a hand in

providing the best care possible.

How P.A.L. Can Help

In-home Blood Collection

From blood glucose checks to NSAID rechecks, if you don't need to see the pet, P.A.L. can collect samples in the clients home and drop them off at your hospital. Just tell us what you need and we will arrange a visit at the home of your client and return the samples to you.


NSAID Recheck

Bile Acids


Thyroid Monitoring Profile

And More...

* P.A.L is only able to collect free catch urine samples in-home*

Medication Administration

P.A.L can administer ALL forms of medications

Oral and Injectable


Sometimes owners just can't make it in for that next dose of cytopoint or

don't want to give Adequan because they don't want to inject their pet.

Other times, Pet Parents struggle with oral medications

and we know how important those drugs are.

P.A.L. Can do it!

Pet Assistance by Lory will pick up the prescribed medication from

your clinic and administer it as directed to the patient in their home.


Subcutaneous Fluids







Contact us to find out how this in-home service

can help you and your patients.

Patient Monitoring

Sometimes checking a cat's blood pressure at the hospital 

just isn't the ideal situation.

Let P.A.L. Help!

Pet Assistance by Lory can collect valuable information

for you in the comfort of the client's home,

making it easy for you to provide the best care possible.

Blood Pressure

Blood Glucose

Weight Check

We can also collect samples for ear and skin cytology,

returning samples to your hospital for your diagnosis.

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